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1 nov 2020
- Chinês Tradicional (Taiwan)
Quality Point(s): 1945
Respostas: 698
Número de joinhas: 508
Inglês (EUA)
Francês (França)
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Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA)
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1 nov 2020
Resposta destacada
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 1552
Respostas: 436
Número de joinhas: 307
at 7:00am, a parent puts their hands on their hips, stares meaningfully, and says to their kid, " you know the drill."
the parent is annoyed that the kid still has to be told to get ready for school.
it's exam day at school. a teacher says to students "you know the drill."
the teacher is annoyed that the students still have to be told it's time to put their phones and study materials away.
a worker gets their 3rd major complaint at a customer service job. the boss looks grim and says "you know the drill"
the boss is saying you know I have to fire you now it's the rules regardless of what I want or not
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1 nov 2020
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 1552
Respostas: 436
Número de joinhas: 307
it's an expression.
drill is a military exercise, usually done every day.
you know the drill means "I shouldn't have to explain. start working"
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1 nov 2020
- Chinês Tradicional (Taiwan)
Quality Point(s): 1945
Respostas: 698
Número de joinhas: 508
@maru_nya can you give me some examples
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1 nov 2020
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 1552
Respostas: 436
Número de joinhas: 307
at 7:00am, a parent puts their hands on their hips, stares meaningfully, and says to their kid, " you know the drill."
the parent is annoyed that the kid still has to be told to get ready for school.
it's exam day at school. a teacher says to students "you know the drill."
the teacher is annoyed that the students still have to be told it's time to put their phones and study materials away.
a worker gets their 3rd major complaint at a customer service job. the boss looks grim and says "you know the drill"
the boss is saying you know I have to fire you now it's the rules regardless of what I want or not
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- Por que você respondeu com "Hmm..."?
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1 nov 2020
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 1552
Respostas: 436
Número de joinhas: 307
@cooooookie hope this helps! context is important here
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- Por que você respondeu com "Hmm..."?
- Evidentemente errado
- A explicação não é suficiente
- Está escrito em um idioma que não consigo entender
- A resposta não está relacionada à pergunta
- Outra razão
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2 nov 2020
- Chinês Tradicional (Taiwan)
Quality Point(s): 1945
Respostas: 698
Número de joinhas: 508
2 nov 2020
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 1552
Respostas: 436
Número de joinhas: 307
- Report copyright infringement
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Problemas semelhantes
- O que significa you know the drill?
- O que significa You know the drill?
- O que significa you know the drill?
- O que significa You know the drill?
- O que significa You know the drill?
Problemas semelhantes
- What does "You know the drill."mean?Is it a idiom?
- O que significa mull drills?
- O que significa This is not a drill?
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Pergunta anterior/Próxima pergunta
- Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 영어로된 만화, 영어로된 컨텐츠
- Me mostre frases de exemplo com 속상해 / 속상하다Thank you! .
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