Married at First Sight by Gu Lingfei Chapter 1881 to 1890 - NovelJt (2024)

Zachary picked up Titus.
Sonny also ran over.
“Uncle.” Zachary smiled and hugged Sonny again.
Serenity got up from the bench, looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Zachary
approaching her while toting a child in his arms.
Why was he here?
Zachary also knew that Serenity was in FC Manor.
Zachary walked over with the two children in his arms, then bent down, put the two
children on the ground, and said to them: “Go and play.”
Sonny pulled Titus and said, “Titus, let’s go play.”
Titus was also monkey-shaped, and he likeed to play the most.
There were now a few kids living in FC Manor, but besides Titus, the rest were still
infants who could only cry and couldn’t walk or talk.
It’s rare that Sonny came, Titus and Sonny played like crazy.
Serenity and her husband looked at each other for a moment, and asked him: “How
do you know we’re here?”
Zachary stretched out his hand and pinched her face lightly, saying to her, “You didn’t
tell me when you went out, I wanted to accompany you well, but you were fine, and
went out with grandma without even saying hello. When you called me, I heard the cry
of the child, and guessed that you came to FC Manor to see Son and daughter.”
Zachary originally thought not to make this trip.
It was really boring, he was used to the days when his wife was with him, and it only
took a day or two for Serenity to go away. He felt that the husband and wife had been
separated for a few years, so he came to FC Manor with a private plane.
Serenity: “…I was betrayed by the crying of my godson.”
It was Enzo who was crying at that time, and she was worried that Zachary would
hang up the phone in a hurry when he heard it, but Zachary still came.
Serenity: “Did you just arrive?”
“Well, I was allowed to come to you after seeing Grandpa Johnson and Grandma
Zachary saw the two children having fun nearby, so he didn’t pay attention to them, so
he seized the opportunity and went to see Serenity. He took Serenity into his arms,
hugged him fiercely, and then let go.
“Serenity, I won’t complain about you ignoring me in the future. In the past two days,
I’ve not played around with you. I want to play with you. After playing for a few days,
we’ll go back. Sonny should calm down and get ready for school.”
Before Serenity could speak, Zachary said again: “Grandma is getting old, even if I
have you by my side, I don’t feel worried about letting Grandma run around.”
Serenity said, “Grandma and Grandma Johnson don’t seem to chat well. I will stay
with grandma in FC Manor for a few more days, and I will go back on the 27th, there
will be 31 days in this month, and there will still be a few days for Sonny to calm down
after I go back.”
Zachary: ….
Thinking that, while Serenity and Jane could be considered friends, they hadn’t been
together long enough, and their friendship was always frail. Serenity’s friendship with
Jane could be strengthened if she stayed at FC Manor for a few more days, he
nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll come and pick you up on the 27th.”
It was already the 22nd.
Just a few days.
“Give me your new mobile phone number.” Zachary domineeringly asked for his wife’s
new mobile phone number.
Serenity obediently told him the new mobile phone number.
After saving his wife’s new mobile phone number, Zachary took her to sit down and
watched the children play and watch the sunset with her.
Zachary: “Like Sonny and Titus’s current age, they are carefree, which is the most
Serenity: “A child’s childhood should be carefree.”
Zachary held her hand, said: “We will be our children.”

Every time Serenity saw children playing, she thought that they didn’t have babies yet.
Serenity rested her head on his shoulder and let out a “hmm”.
The two children were tired from playing and ran over.
Titus ran too fast, stepped on a small stone and fell backwards.
Sonny quickly helped him up.
Zachary and Serenity also stood up abruptly, and walked forward quickly, Sonny was
still young and couldn’t pull the chubby Titus, so it was Serenity who picked up the
little guy.
Titus wanted to cry, his mouth was flattened, and Serenity picked him up. Serenity
asked him gently and concerned if he hurt from the fall, and where it hurt.
Such a gentle Aunt Seren, just like Jane Mama, gave him a kind of mother’s taste.
Tears rolled in Titus’s eyes, and he shook his head and said that there was no pain
from the fall.
Serenity patted the dust off his clothes, saw tears in his eyes, took out a tissue, gently
wiped his tears, and said distressedly: “Did you fall on your back? Or your head?”
Titus fell backwards.
Serenity pressed him against her thigh so that she could check Titus’s back. When
she pushed up Titus’s clothes and saw the incomprehensible patterns on Titus’s back,
she froze.
Zachary was also stunned.
After all, he was the head of the York Corporation, so he reacted quickly and steadily.
He quickly scanned Titus’s back to ensure that it was not injured, and then ripped
Titus’s clothes off to examine the patterns on his back.
Sonny: “Uncle, behind Titus…”
“It’s nothing, Sonny, don’t say anything, you know.” Zachary asked Sonny seriously for
the first time.
Seeing his uncle’s seriousness, Sonny nodded half-understanding, “Uncle, I won’t say
Serenity wanted to ask a few questions, but seeing Zachary’s serious request to
Sonny not to say anything, she didn’t ask anymore.
She helped Titus check the back of his head, and there was no injury, presumably the
little guy was in pain when he fell.
Serenity hugged Titus up and sat him up, and asked him softly: “Titus, where does it
hurt, you have to tell Aunt Seren.”
“Aunt Seren, the pain is gone.” Titus nestled in Serenity’s arms, held Serenity’s
clothes with his hands, and said in a childlike voice, “Aunt Seren, I like you holding me
like a mother. My favorite thing is that I admire my mother. Now I also like Aunt
Aunt Seren also smelled like a mother.
Titus was only one year old when Jane picked him up, he couldn’t walk well, and
could only call Mama.
He was still less than three years old now, but he was still a child after being trained to
be a doctor by the side of the old genius doctor.
He liked people who smelled like mother.

“Auntie.” Sonny feel that his aunt was snatched away by Titus. He couldn’t help but
also sneaked into his aunt’s arms, as if he was jealous of Titus.
Serenity smiled and hugged his nephew, then let go of the two little guys, and
followed, holding one by the hand, and said: “We’ve played outside for a long time,
let’s go back to the house.”
The couple had two children, like a family of four.
Back in the main house of the center, Serenity told Jane that Titus fell down.
Jane hurriedly pulled her adopted son over. She wanted to check it out in public, but
when she remembered something, she didn’t lift up Titus’s clothes, but asked Titus’s
shoulders with concern: “Does it hurt?”
“Pain, but after Aunt Seren hugged me, it didn’t hurt any more.” Titus replied, and after
thinking about it, he added: “Mama, Aunt Seren has the same mother smell as you, I
really like Aunt Seren. “
Jane smiled, “You like each other when you see one.”
In fact, Titus would like Jane a lot if she really took care of him well. Even though he
was young, his heart was like a mirror; he could tell who was being honest with him.
But he didn’t say it.
The master said that there were some things, it was good to know it in the heart, and
there was no need to say it.
Titus was a little embarrassed by his mother’s laughter, but he still had the cheek to
hug Jane’s neck, coquettishly in her arms, and said sweetly: “Mama, I still like you the
Jane hadn’t said anything yet. Titus rolled out of Jane’s arms as soon as he heard the
maid call the young master Johnson with respect.
Titus grabbed Sonny’s hand and said, “Sonny, let’s go see our younger brothers and
Ben didn’t like to see him acting like a baby in Jane’s arms the most.
Titus was quite afraid of Ben.
Ben was actually very kind to Titus, but he was too serious and always had a straight
face in front of him, which made him feel that he had made a big mistake.
Titus took Sonny and ran to the crib, looking at Enzo and Avah.
The two milk babies were both asleep.
They were only two months old and were either eating or sleeping.
The old Mrs. York was also there, and she was the most rare of Avah.
If it weren’t for the fact that the Johnson family only had one granddaughter, Old Mrs.
York would have wanted to borrow her granddaughter back to raise her for a while.
Ben went out to do some errands, and as soon as he came back, he heard that
Zachary and his wife had come, as well as the old lady of the York family.
Entering the room, he saw a room full of people, lively and bustling, his eyes fell on
his beloved wife first, and there was a little smile on his face.
“Grandma May.” Ben greeted the old lady first.
Grandma May reluctantly took her eyes away from Avah, looked at Ben lovingly, and
nodded with a smile.

Ben greeted Zachary and Serenity again, and finally sat down beside his beloved
Everyone chatted a few words, and it was time for dinner.
Because of the visit of distinguished guests, the members of Johnson’s family dined in
the main house in the center, and the meal was lively and lively.
The two old ladies were the happiest, maybe because they were older, they both had
the same thoughts, and they liked to watch the scene full of children and
At night, Serenity coaxed her nephew to sleep, and she also fell asleep.
Hearing the sound of the door opening, she sat up and saw Zachary pushing the door
“You haven’t slept yet?” Zachary asked her gently, and said, “I chatted with The
nightclub for a long time. I thought you fell asleep.”
Serenity: “Take Sonny to sleep, I almost fell asleep too.”
Zachary came over, and Serenity asked him softly: “What are those incomprehensible
patterns on Titus’s back? I think they are tattoos. Titus tattooed those things on his
body at such a young age. How painful it must have been for him at that time. Ah.”
After Zachary was silent for a moment, he said, “If there is no way out, who would
want to tattoo those things on their own flesh and blood.
Titus’s life experience is a mystery, but it is not simple. The night club couple regard
him as their own, but still send him away and dare not keep him by their side. It’s not
that they can’t protect Titus, but because they are too involved, and Titus is too young
to protect him blindly. He laid the groundwork.”
Dr. Carden fell in love with Titus, and Grandma Johnson sent Titus there, and let Dr.
Carden’s mentor and apprentice be both teachers and mothers, raising Titus. The
group of eccentrics like the genius doctor, now the few younger generation hear about
them anymore, but there are many legends about them.
Touching one person will implicate a group of people, and few people dare to touch
that group of old seniors, besides, they are all gods and dragons. They come and go
without a trace.
Titus will be much safer if he follows them.”
Serenity was startled when she heard that, and she asked softly, “Could it be that
someone is going to chase and kill Titus? He’s still a child who is less than three years
Zachary looked at the sleeping Sonny, Sonny and Titus played so well, and the
friendship between the York family and the Johnson family became deeper and
deeper, and when Elisa married into the Johnson family as the fifth young mistress
Now, the relationship between the two families is getting closer. If something
happened in the future, with their powerful families, couldn’t they protect Titus
Zachary: “The nightclub didn’t say much, it’s my guess. I guess everyone in Titus’s
family is dead, and he’s the only one left. He bears a blood feud.”
Serenity’s face turned pale, she asked, “His family is not a gangster, is it? He was
wiped out by the enemy?”
Zachary: “I don’t know. even the Houston family can’t find out about Titus’s life
experience. The nature of the Houston family is similar to that of our Bucham family in
Wiltspoon. The couple in the nightclub must have known about it, they picked up
Titus, adopted him as their adopted son, and treated him as their own, so they would
not reveal Titus’s true identity.”
Serenity: “Oh, it’s the genius doctor old gentleman?”
Zachary nodded, and told his wife: “Seren, Titus’s life experience is not trivial. We saw
the secret behind Titus without knowing it. You can’t lift Titus’s clothes anymore, and
the pattern on his back can’t be seen by others.”
“Sonny is still young, please don’t tell him anything, otherwise it will bring death to
Serenity nodded heavily. “I will.”
She didn’t know the twists and turns of Titus’s life experience, and she didn’t know
that there was a secret behind Titus’s back. She was worried that Titus would fall on
his back, so she lifted up Titus’s clothes to check, but she saw something secret.
The stakes were high.
This kind of thing really couldn’t be said again in the future.
Serenity: “Sonny is very sensible, I told him, he will definitely remember. won’t say it.”
Zachary said softly: “Sonny is still a child after all, children are very curious, he also
saw Titus back and the secret. When they play together, maybe Sonny often lifts up
Titus’s clothes to see what’s going on, and Titus doesn’t know that he is carrying a
blood feud.”

“Tomorrow, we will return to Wiltspoon with Sonny.” Serenity made the decision to
leave FC Manor with her nephew. Children were forgetful, and when they returned to
Wiltspoon, the two little children couldn’t play together, and Sonny forgot the secret
behind Titus quickly.
Zachary looked at her and said, “If I say yes, I’m afraid that you will say that I wish you
could go back. If I say no, I’m worried that Sonny will ask Titus out of curiosity and
then lift Titus’s clothes to take a look. A child’s curiosity is very strong.”
“If I hadn’t accidentally learned about this, I would like to go back on the date originally
planned.” Serenity had no idea she’d set Titus off like that. The clothes, she knew the
secret of Titus’s back, no need to ask, the person who tattooed that pattern on Titus’s
back had to be Titus’s relative.
In Zachary’s words, who would be willing to tattoo that thing on such a young child
unless it was absolutely necessary.
“Don’t be too nervous, just play for two more days. You don’t have to be afraid.”
Zachary comforted his beloved wife, “Maybe this is God’s arrangement.”
It was too soon for Serenity to leave, and Jane agreed with her. Tomorrow, Jane
would take the children to Yves’s house to play with Iris, and if she changed her mind
temporarily, it would be easy for people to become suspicious.
Serenity: “Then let’s play for two more days.”
Zachary hummed, “Don’t think so much, go to bed early.”
He sat down next to his wife, hugged her, and then whispered in a low voice: “In
someone else’s house, I’ll spare you for the time being.”
Serenity hurriedly pushed him away and lay down next to Sonny.
Zachary smiled lowly.
No more words for one night.
The night passed, and the rising sun ushered in, and a new day began.
Hayden was still in a dream when she was awakened by the phone ringing.
She was extremely irate. She could take a good rest and sleep in late because she
wasn’t typically busy at work on Sundays.
As a result, someone called her early in the morning.
Without even opening her eyes, she took the phone, gave it a habitual swipe to the
right, placed it to her ear, and said coldly.: “Hugh, you better have something big.”
The person who called her was either her parents or Hugh.
“Mr. Queen, it’s me.” Kevin’s voice came.
Hayden suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.
The voice was lowered subconsciously, still cold: “Mr. York? Is there something
Kevin called her early in the morning. And it’s her home number, which most people
didn’t know.
“I am in Queen’s mansion. Mr. Queen, I thought you would come back last night, so I
came here early to wait for you, but the sun is already high, and I didn’t see you. I
asked my aunt to find out why you didn’t come back home last night. My aunt gave
me this mobile phone number and asked me to contact you.” Kevin explained how he
got Hayden’s home number.
Hayden frowned, “Mr. York, you haven’t said what it is yet.”
Kevin: “We have agreed, we will go horseback riding today. After the horseback riding,
I will treat you to dinner as my repayment for your help.”
Hayden: “…”
She really didn’t take this matter to heart.
Mr. York, why didn’t you come to me directly?

What did he do when he ran to Queen’s old mansion.
Thinking that her parents liked Kevin very much, Hayden couldn’t stay in bed
anymore, afraid that she wouldn’t go home, Kevin was slick, and sold her if she made
her parents happy.
Hayden knew that her parents were worried about her marriage.
She had been disguised as a man for more than 20 years, and she had long been
used to the life of a man. But it was impossible for her to marry a woman. Because
she was a woman.
She married a woman and could not give her a real married life.
But let her marry, she was unwilling, she was not used to being a woman, she had not
even worn a skirt in her life.
And she didn’t meet a man who could make her heart move and let her take off her
Her parents also think she was too good, and few men were worthy of her.
Even though she was worried about her marriage.
If Kevin didn’t show up, Hayden wouldn’t worry at all, she could live like this for the
rest of her life.
Kevin was the York family’s third young master. Hayden was outstanding in every way.
In fact, she admired Kevin’s talent as well. The York family had a good family style.
“Didn’t I think Mr. Queen would go back to the old mansion to accompany his parents
on weekends? So I came here directly. Mr. Queen, Auntie told you to come over to
have breakfast together. Come early, we will wait for you.” Kevin took the initiative to
hang up the phone after he finished speaking.
Hayden’s face was a little ugly. Kevin regarded her home as his home.
Although she didn’t want to wake up, she got up as fast as she could, because she
needed a little time to dress up so that she looked no different from a real man.
half an hour later.
Surrounded by the bodyguards, Hayden left the big villa where she usually lived and
went to the old house of Queen’s family.
When she returned to Queen’s old mansion, she heard her parents’ laughter before
entering the house.
There was no need to ask, she also knew that it was Kevin’s credit, this man was too
good at coaxing people.
It’s only a few encounters with her parents, but they could coax her parents to keep
him for dinner, what’s more, let her send Kevin back to the hotel.
Mrs. Queen: “Kevin, Hayden is usually too preoccupied with work to go out and play
or relax. If you have time in the future, invite him out to play more. Everyone, relax,
don’t tense your muscles all day, just pay attention that you’re so busy that we feel
Hayden heard that her mother actually asked Kevin to take her out to play when she
was free.
Mr. Queen also said: “Our eldest son is, indeed, a workaholic. He is not close to
anyone. On weekends, he usually sleeps at home and does not play any games. I
understand she is overworked, too tired, but when we look at him, we get worried. I
hope he can go out on a regular basis, and I hope he has a close friend.
When others approach Hayden, he will suspect that they have a plan and are plotting
against him. There is no way, our Queen Enterprise is too eye-catching in Jensburg.
We don’t have to worry if it’s you, Kevin; if you’re friends with Hayden, I’m sure you’ll
be sincere.”
Hayden strode in.
If she didn’t go in again, her parents would really sell her.
Seeing Hayden coming in, Donald and his wife tactfully did not continue.
“Mr. Queen.” When Hayden approached, Kevin got up and greeted with a smile.
Hayden looked at him deeply for a moment, then hummed coldly, and then called his
“Hayden, Kevin has been waiting for you for an hour.” Mrs. Queen moved her seat
and let her daughter sit beside her.
Mrs. Queen: “I told Kevin just now that I will call Kevin over on weekends in the future.
You go out to play, and he will take you with him, so you won’t be bored.”

Hayden’s face darkened, quite helplessly said: “Mom, I only rest on the weekends
because I prefer to sleep and wake up naturally, and because taking a day off to play
is more exhausting than going to work. Besides, Mr. York is also busy, how can I
bother him all the time?”
Donald took the words: “Can’t Kevin take you out to play? It should be you who
brought Kevin. This is Jensburg, isn’t you more familiar than Kevin?”
Hayden sullenly said nothing.
Kevin smiled and said: “When necessary, I have to ask Mr. Queen to be my tour
Mrs. Queen: “Kevin, where do you want to go, just tell Hayden. He is a native of
Jensburg, and he knows exactly where the fun and delicious food are in Jensburg.”
Kevin: “Auntie, if you say that, I won’t be polite in the future.”
Mrs. Queen smiled: “You’re welcome, Auntie likes you the most.”
Neither of her two children’s mouths were as eloquent as Kevin’s. Kevin could talk
about anything, and the topics she liked to talk about.
She liked Kevin so much.
Hayden: “Mom!”
The parents’ attitude towards Kevin gave Hayden the illusion that his parents treated
Kevin as a son-in-law, and wished to pack her up and send her to Kevin’s bed.
She was also only 28 years old, not to old.
No hurries?
If she wanted to get married, she would consider it after she was 30.
“Hayden, Kevin came all the way to Jensburg as a guest, we have to treat him well,
don’t always put on a straight face, as if Kevin came to collect debts.” Donald said
about his daughter, and now he also regrets it. Regretting that she acquiesced to her
daughter disguised as a man.
He thought that his daughter was just a whim, but who would have thought that his
daughter would be dressed up for more than 20 years.
Even worse, they were used to seeing their daughter in clothes made for men.
Whenever he looked at his daughter, he thought he had two sons.
Hayden couldn’t be allowed to go on like this.
Let her slowly return to her woman’s body.
Hayden could still be in charge of Queen’s even if she was a woman. Hayden had
been in charge of the business for so long that he already had a strong foothold. It
didn’t matter whether she was male or female.
Hayden: “Dad, Mr. York is not here to be a guest, he is…”
“Uncle, I am here to take refuge.” Kevin took Hayden’s words.
Both Donald and his wife looked at Kevin, not understanding what he meant.
Hayden stared at Kevin.
Kevin blinked at Hayden, as if he didn’t know what she meant by staring at him.
He embarrassedly complained to Donald and his wife: “It’s not the elders in my family
who urged the marriage too hard. I couldn’t resist it, so I ran away.
In the past, the elders also urged marriage, but at that time, my elder brother and
second brother were still single, and I was the third in line. They urged the marriage,
and I could use the elder brother and the second brother as a shield. Now the elder
brother is married, and the second brother is also engaged. There is no more shield.
Ten thousand arrows can pierce the heart, and I can’t do without running.”
Hearing this, Donald and his wife exchanged glances.
Hayden noticed that her parents’ eyes were shining. Now she really wanted to sew up
Kevin’s mouth with a needle.
Such a long tongue, so many words.
A big man didn’t know how to be more prudent and say a few words less.
Kevin: My mouth was born for talking and eating.
Hayden: “…”

Mrs. Queen said: “That’s right, I also urged Hayden and Hugh, even if they didn’t
listen to me. It’s useless for me to urge them. Hayden seldom goes back to the old
Not to mention that kid Hugh, he has many female friends, but none of them are
serious girlfriends. Alas, children are debts.”
“Mom, didn’t you say wait for me to come back to eat breakfast? I came back on an
empty stomach.” Hayden had to interrupt his mother again.
Mrs. Queen said: “Yes, yes, go to have breakfast, and the two of you have to go out
for a horse ride. Kevin, there is a hot spring near our Queens’ ranch. In this weather,
after riding a horse, you will be covered in sweat. You can go to the hot spring.”
Hayden: “…”
Kevin said with a smile: “The ranch is close to hot springs. That’s fantastic. Go to the
hot springs after riding the horse. It’s relaxing.”
“Let’s have breakfast first.” Mrs. Queen said and got up.
Mr. Queen waited for Kevin to get up, and like a buddy, he held Kevin’s shoulders and
followed his wife to the dining room.
Hayden was speechless again.
She knew that her parents really fell in love with Kevin, and they were trying their best
to match her and Kevin.
She took out her cell phone and called her brother, Hugh.
When Hugh answered the phone, she ordered coldly: “Hugh, no matter where you
are, go back to the old house right away.”
After speaking, she cut off the call without giving her brother a chance to answer.
Hugh over there was speechless. He made an appointment with a few good buddies
today to go out to sea on his private yacht, and it’s already arrived at the pier.
There was no other way, the elder sister had an order, so Hugh had no choice but to
say to his friends: “My elder brother has an order, let me go back right away, I can’t go
to sea with you, go and play by yourself, have fun.”
Several friends knew that Hugh was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid of his
elder brother.
He waved to him understandingly, said goodbye, and a few friends left.
Hugh turned around and ran back.
Not knowing what happened, the eldest sister ordered him to go home immediately
with such a cold voice.
After notifying his younger brother to come back, Hayden got up and walked into the
dining room.
The four of them dined together, what Hayden saw was the enthusiasm of her parents
for Kevin, and what she heard was also the concern of her parents for Kevin.
She couldn’t help scolding Kevin in her heart.
“Mr. York.”

Hayden added another sentence and asked: “Can you only pursue the person your
grandma chose for you? Can you just change it?”
Kevin hummed: “It can only be chosen by my grandma.”
The enthusiasm of Mrs. Queen and Mr. Queen suddenly cooled to the end.
When Hayden asked Kevin, she watched her parents’ reaction out of the corner of her
Seeing that her parents’ enthusiasm had cooled down, she stopped in moderation and
didn’t ask any more questions.
Mrs. Queen was quite reconciled, she asked Kevin: “Kevin, you brothers are all
dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they are also capable people, why is
your grandma in charge of marriage?”
Mr. Queen also said: “Today’s young people are pursuing free love and free marriage.
They are not blindly married like in the old society. Parents can’t force their children to
make decisions for their children, they can only offer some opinions.
Your parents don’t speak out, but let your grandma decide for you. Marriage is not a
child’s play, it is a lifelong event, the wife you marry will live with you for the rest of
your life, what if you don’t like the candidate your grandma chose for you? Are you
going to live forever?”
Kevin ate the dish with chopsticks. After eating, he said to Hayden: “Mr. Queen, this
dish is well cooked and delicious. Try it.”
After glancing at the dish, Hayden continued to eat her meal gracefully. She said
lightly: “My chefs are all invited back from five-star hotels. Every dish can be delicious
in color, flavor and taste. Mr. York, you think it is delicious. Eat more, it is also an
affirmation of my chef.”
Looking at the catering industry of the York Corporation, what delicious food has he
not eaten?
To be praised by him as delicious, to the chef of the Queen’s family, it was as happy
as winning a prize.
Kevin ate again with a chopstick of food. After eating, he answered Mr. Queen’s
question: “Uncle, we have been close to grandma since we were young. Grandma
knows the temperament of our brothers very well. She knows What kind of girl is
suitable for us.
Grandma will help us choose a wife, it must be suitable for us, and we also believe
that grandma will not harm us. None of our brothers like anyone, grandma gave us a
goal, Let’s try it out, and we will be able to express our feelings in a year. If we really
can’t express our feelings, it’s not too late to explain to grandma. My grandma
understands and won’t force us to marry her forever.”
Marriage is a lifelong event.
They didn’t play games.
Grandma couldn’t play games.
“Didn’t you just say that your grandma gave you one year, and within one year, if you
don’t satisfy your grandma, you will be expelled from the Wildridge Manor.” Mrs.
Queen seemed to see some hope again, but she still had to ask. Only she could do it.

Due to her blindness, Camryn was more envied than Serenity.
Callum was the second young master of York family, and he was also very good in all
aspects. He didn’t know how many expensive wives have kept his eyes on him and
wanted him to be his son-in-law. However, he was different, and he actually liked
Mr. Queen and Mrs. Queen felt that Kevin would become someone else’s son-in-law
sooner or later, and had nothing to do with their Queen family. Their attitude towards
Kevin remained unchanged on the surface, but in fact they lost a little enthusiasm for
Kevin noticed it and didn’t care.
He disappoints them first, then welcomes hope and surprise. He dared to say that the
Queen family would never have imagined that the wife grandma would choose for him
would be Hayden.
“Kevin, which daughter did your grandma choose for you?” Mrs. Queen asked
curiously, “You said you escaped from the elders’ urging marriage and hid in
Jensburg, is it your grandma’s choice for you? Don’t you like her? “
Kevin: “I didn’t know about her before, so I can’t say I don’t like her, but I can’t say I
like her either. In short, it’s just very awkward, so I can only hide.”
Mrs. Queen smiled and said, “That’s right, a stranger, let you treat her as a stranger.”
Kevin: “It’s better to be Uncle and Auntie, Mr. Queen is only one year younger than
me, and none of you urged Mr. Queen like the elders in my family.”
Kevin changed the topic to Hayden body.
Mrs. Queen smiled again, looked at her daughter who was eating calmly and
gracefully, and said, “We are worried, but Hayden is too busy with work and has no
time to fall in love. He doesn’t care if other people like her, and he doesn’t have
anyone he likes, so it’s useless for us to urge the marriage.”
Kevin: “I heard that the girls who admire Mr. Queen can form a long queue, but Mr.
Queen doesn’t like any of them? Mr. Queen’s vision is really high.” Kevin sighed. I told
Mr. Queen last time that Mr. Queen has met all the daughters in Jensburg, and he
didn’t like any of them. It means Mr. Queen’s marriage is not in Jensburg. There are
many good girls in Wiltspoon. I can help Mr. Queen lead the red line. Perhaps Mr.
Queen’s marriage is in Wiltspoon. Our Wiltspoon is a land of outstanding people, with
many young talents and famous ladies.”
Hayden: “…”
The words that were said have long since been thrown into the sky.
Kevin remembered it firmly.
Was it possible that he really want to give her a red thread?
If the daughters of famous families in Wiltspoon were all good, it would not be her
turn, Hayden, who would have been robbed long ago, not to mention other families,
even Kevin had several brothers.
Mr. Queen said: “Wiltspoon is a bit far away from our Jensburg, Hayden rarely goes to
Wiltspoon, even if Kevin you lead Hayden’s red line, the two of you are attractive, it is
also a long-distance relationship, I am afraid it will be difficult to have results.”
Kevin didn’t know that Hayden was a woman, and the couple were afraid that Kevin
would really introduce a daughter of a famous family in Wiltspoon.
So Mr. Queen quickly fould an excuse to say that the distance was too far, longdistance relationship, it was difficult to have results.
“We still want to find a good girl for Hayden in Jensburg, but thank you, Kevin.” Mrs.
Queen also echoed her husband’s words.
They made it clear that they didn’t like the “daughter-in-law” to be a foreigner.

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