A Person's Past Is Not An Excuse For Bad Behavior
From Redditor u/Nobody9189: I get that many people have issues and yes, it is quite difficult. I mean, I'm not gonna hide the fact that I have some of my own. The problem is when people use these issues to manipulate people into tolerating their bad behaviors. I hate how society has normalized the idea of tolerating someone's bad behavior because of their past and essentially shielding them from any criticism or significant repercussions. I mean at this point, some people with troubled pasts and traumas are using their experiences as a “get out of jail free” card whenever they are forced to face accountability for their actions. As a society, we should stop tolerating harmful individuals just because they have a troubled past or something along those lines. Tolerating does not help them. It enables them and worse. As much as possible, we should encourage more professional help for these people but tolerance and enabling should stop entirely.
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Getting Blackout Drunk Is Extremely Irresponsible And Should Never Be Considered Normal Or Acceptable
From Redditor u/LieutenantChonkster:
Let me preface this by saying that I have no problem with people getting drunk. When I’m at a party, I’ll easily have 7-10 drinks and stumble home in a drunken stupor, so I pass no judgment upon my fellow revelers.
That being said, ever since I was in college and even before, I’ve noticed that people have a shockingly nonchalant attitude towards getting blackout drunk. People talk about it like it’s a perfectly normal thing and even brag about how they did crazy stuff they don’t remember as if it’s something to be proud of.
I don’t understand this. It’s one thing to get drunk. It’s another thing entirely to get so extremely intoxicated that you literally don’t remember what you did the night before. I think it’s appalling that young people treat it like a quirky, cool, normal thing. I’ve known tons of people who have ended up in jail, in the hospital, with assault… charges, and with embarrassing pictures, videos, and stories of them, none of which they remember doing.
Getting blackout drunk should be looked at as something shameful, a consequence of not knowing your limits and a sign of an immature relationship with alcohol. It should never be a goal or something to be proud of.
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These Dumb Kids Saying 30 Is Old Is Really Annoying Lol
From Redditor u/Justneedsomethintodo: I’m 25, first off, but I even hear people in my age group saying 30 is somehow this ancient number where your life just ends because [you're] a senior citizen all of a sudden. I’m opposed to making fun of people for their age. I think it’s cruel but my *** you guys, 30 is young AF like what are we talking about right now lol…
423 votes
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Bullies Are Not Necessarily Insecure Or Miserable
From Redditor u/Idkidck: Whenever someone is being an a**hole or a bully, people will always say things like, "Don't worry about what he says, he's just insecure/jealous/miserable," and that has always annoyed me a bit. Sometimes a**holes are just a**holes. They simply lack empathy and there's a billion reasons as to why that could be that do not include any of the things mentioned above. For example, when rich kids bully homeless people (happens often) do you think they're jealous? No, they just don't care; they see the homeless person as a lesser being because of their upbringing. They're probably perfectly happy with their lives. When the athletic kid makes fun of the fat nerd, he's not jealous. He just sees an easy target that cannot do anything to fight back. And then that fat nerd sees no possible comeback as he feels inferior in every way, so to cope he must come up with something bad for the bully. But the truth is that you're just an easy target whom the bully sees as a lesser being and you probably think more about him than he thinks about you.
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Doctors Shouldn't Close On The Weekends
From Redditor u/TheAntiCoomLord: Maybe I'm oblivious to the world because I have yet to see a single doctor's office open on the weekends. Considering the majority of people work Monday to Friday and that most doctor's offices close around 4 or 5; it seems ridiculous that the two days most people are off work, they're unable to get a checkup or even schedule a visit. People have to take time off of work in the middle of the week, which could've been used to obtain the hours they need and, considering 55% of Americans work hourly and not salary, I think it's a problem. You COULD go to an Urgent Care but they're only going to provide temporary solutions to immediate problems. If you need something checked or diagnosed by a specialist, uh-oh, sucks to be you I guess. I'm not saying doctors have to work seven days a week. If they were closed on like Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I think that would be perfectly fine.
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Going To A Bar Shouldn’t Be The Most Encouraged Form Of Socialization
From Redditor u/vexedflorescence: Bars are overrated and weird. You go to a bar. Have fun, drink, and socialize. Then the next day you don’t remember much or had any meaningful conversations. Any connections you made never last because everyone goes back to their regular lives the next day. Going to a bar is like a way for people to blow off steam and waste their time. I wish other forms of socializing were encouraged more than just going to a bar.
415 votes
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